

Convert a connectome node image from one lookup table to another


labelconvert [ options ]  path_in lut_in lut_out image_out
  • path_in: the input image
  • lut_in: the connectome lookup table for the input image
  • lut_out: the target connectome lookup table for the output image
  • image_out: the output image


Typical usage is to convert a parcellation image provided by some other software, based on the lookup table provided by that software, to conform to a new lookup table, particularly one where the node indices increment from 1, in preparation for connectome construction; examples of such target lookup table files are provided in share//mrtrix3//labelconvert//


  • -spine image provide a manually-defined segmentation of the base of the spine where the streamlines terminate, so that this can become a node in the connection matrix.

Standard options

  • -info display information messages.
  • -quiet do not display information messages or progress status. Alternatively, this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a non-empty string.
  • -debug display debugging messages.
  • -force force overwrite of output files. Caution: Using the same file as input and output might cause unexpected behaviour.
  • -nthreads number use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to disable multi-threading).
  • -help display this information page and exit.
  • -version display version information and exit.

Author: Robert E. Smith (

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008-2018 the MRtrix3 contributors.

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MRtrix3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

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