.. _dwifslpreproc_page: DWI distortion correction using dwifslpreproc ============================================= The ``dwifslpreproc`` script, responsible for performing general pre-processing of DWI series, has been completely re-designed as part of the *MRtrix3* ``3.0_RC1`` update. Although the 'guts' of the script are completely new, the fundamental operation - eddy current-induced distortion correction, motion correction, and (optionally) susceptibility-induced distortion correction, using FSL's ``eddy`` / ``topup`` / ``applytopup`` tools, remains the same. While the user interface remains reasonably similar to that provided previously (examples to come), they are slightly different. The major benefit of the new design is that *MRtrix3* is now capable of not only *capturing the relevant phase encoding information* from DICOM headers, but also *using that information* within ``dwifslpreproc`` to internally generate the necessary phase encoding table files in order to run these FSL tools. This comes with a number of benefits: - It makes it possible to acquire and process a wider range of DWI acquisition designs, without requiring that the user laboriously manually construct the phase encoding tables that these FSL tools require. - It means that automated pre-processing pipelines (e.g. these two `works `__\-in-\ `progress `__) can be applied to provided data without requiring manual intervention to specify this information. - Over time, as *MRtrix* 0.3.16 code is used to import DICOMs (and hence capture the phase encoding information) and the relevant code is thoroughly tested, there will be less onus on users to track and specify the type of phase encoding acquisition performed. .. NOTE:: Although the ``dwifslpreproc`` script is provided as part of *MRtrix3* in the hope that users will find it useful, the major image processing steps undertaken by this script are still performed using tools developed at FMRIB and provided as part of FSL. It is therefore *essential* that the appropriate references be cited whenever this script is used! The ``dwifslpreproc`` script now has four major 'modes' of operation, that can be selected at the command-line using the ``-rpe_*`` options. Note that exactly *one* of these options ***must*** be provided. The following are example use cases; specific parameters, file names etc. may need to be altered to reflect your particular data. 1. **No variation in phase encoding** All DWI volumes are acquired with precisely the same phase encoding direction and EPI readout time, and no additional spin-echo *b*\=0 images are acquired over and above those interleaved within the DWI acquisition. It is therefore impossible to estimate the inhomogeneity field using ``topup``, and ``eddy`` will perform motion and eddy current correction only. *Example DICOM image data*: .. code-block:: console 002_-_DWI_phaseAP/ *Old usage* (i.e. prior to *MRtrix* 0.3.16): .. code-block:: console $ dwifslpreproc AP 002_-_DWI_phaseAP/ dwi_preprocessed.mif -rpe_none *New usage*: .. code-block:: console $ dwifslpreproc 002_-_DWI_phaseAP/ dwi_preprocessed.mif -rpe_none -pe_dir AP [ -readout_time 0.1 ] Note that here (and in subsequent examples), providing the EPI readout time manually is optional (if omitted, the 'sane' default of 0.1s will be assumed). The precise scaling of this parameter is not expected to influence results provided that the readout time is equivalent for all *b*\=0 / DWI volumes. 2. **Reversed phase encode b=0 pair(s)** All DWI volumes are acquired with precisely the same phase encoding direction and EPI readout time. In addition, one or more pairs of spin-echo b=0 EPI volumes are provided, where half of these volumes have the same phase encoding direction and readout time as the DWIs, and the other half have precisely the *opposite* phase encoding direction (but the same readout time). These additional images are therefore used to estimate the inhomogeneity field, but do not form part of the output DWI series. *Example DICOM image data*: .. code-block:: console 002_-_ep2dse_phaseAP/ 003_-_ep2dse_phasePA/ 004_-_DWI_phaseAP/ *Old usage* (i.e. prior to *MRtrix* 0.3.16): .. code-block:: console $ dwifslpreproc AP 004_-_DWI_phaseAP/ dwi_preprocessed.mif -rpe_pair 002_-_ep2dse_phaseAP/ 003_-_ep2dse_phasePA/ *New usage*: .. code-block:: console $ mrcat 002_-_ep2dse_phaseAP/ 003_-_ep2dse_phasePA/ b0s.mif -axis 3 $ dwifslpreproc 004_-_DWI_phaseAP/ dwi_preprocessed.mif -pe_dir AP -rpe_pair -se_epi b0s.mif [ -readout_time 0.1 ] 3. **Reversed phase encoding for all DWIs** For all diffusion gradient directions & *b*-values, two image volumes are obtained, with the opposite phase encoding direction with respect to one another. This allows for the combination of the two volumes corresponding to each unique diffusion gradient direction & strength into a single volume, where the relative compression / expansion of signal between the two volumes is exploited. *Example DICOM image data*: .. code-block:: console 002_-_DWI_64dir_phaseLR/ 003_-_DWI_64dir_phaseRL/ *Old usage* (i.e. prior to *MRtrix* 0.3.16): .. code-block:: console $ dwifslpreproc LR 002_-_DWI_64dir_phaseLR/ dwi_preprocessed.mif -rpe_all 003_-_DWI_64dir_phaseRL/ *New usage*: .. code-block:: console $ mrcat 002_-_DWI_64dir_phaseLR/ 003_-_DWI_64dir_phaseRL/ all_DWIs.mif -axis 3 $ dwifslpreproc all_DWIs.mif dwi_preprocessed.mif -pe_dir LR -rpe_all [ -readout_time 0.1 ] Note that in this particular example, the dwifslpreproc script will in fact extract the *b*\=0 volumes from the input DWIs and use those to estimate the inhomogeneity field with topup. If additional *b*\=0 images are also acquired, and it is desired to instead use those images to estimate the inhomogeneity field only, the ``-se_epi`` option can be used. 4. **Arbitrary phase encoding acquisition** In cases where either: - An up-to-date version of *MRtrix3* has been used to convert from DICOM, such that phase encoding information is embedded in the image header; or: - Image data of unknown origin are to be processed by an automated pipeline without user intervention, and therefore phase encoding information must be provided using data files associated with the input images (such as `JSON `_ files in the `BIDS standard `_), it is possible for the ``dwifslpreproc`` script to automatically determine the appropriate steps to perform based on the phase encoding configuration of the image data presented to it. *Usage*: .. code-block:: console $ mrcat all_dwis.mif -axis 3 $ mrcat all_b0s.mif -axis 3 (optional) $ dwifslpreproc all_dwis.mif dwi_preprocessed.mif -rpe_header [ -se_epi all_b0s.mif ] .. WARNING:: With regards to Option 4 (using phase encoding information as it is stored in the header), note that this functionality is preliminary and should not be trusted blindly. It is impossible for us to check and test all possible usage scenarios. Furthermore, if this information is imported or exported to/from the image header, this requires reorientation due to the way in which *MRtrix3* handles image orientations internally, which introduces additional mechanisms by which the tracking of phase encoding orientations may go awry. Results should therefore be checked manually if using / testing this mechanism. When one of the options 1-3 are used, internally the ``dwifslpreproc`` script *generates the effective phase encoding table* given the user's images and command-line input; this is what is passed to ``topup`` / ``applytopup`` / ``eddy``. If one of these options is used, but there is actually phase encoding information found within the image header(s), the script will *compare* the user's phase encoding specification against the header contents, and produce a warning if it detects a mismatch (since either the phase encoding design is not what you think it is, or the import of phase encoding information from DICOM is awry; either warrants further investigation). Configuring FSL commands ``topup`` and ``eddy`` ----------------------------------------------- The two principal FSL commands with which the *MRtrix3* ``dwifslpreproc`` script interfaces - ``topup`` and ``eddy`` - themselves have a wide range of command-line options that may be utilised to alter their behaviour. ``dwifslpreproc`` does not provide any command-line options to these commands over and above those absolutely necessary to perform the processing operations; as such, the default parameters / behaviour of these commands as configured in FSL will be utilised. As such, any non-default parameters or behaviour of these commands desired by the user (e.g. ``eddy`` outlier replacement) must be specified *explicitly*. This is achieved by using the ``dwifslpreproc`` command-line options ``-topup_options`` and ``-eddy_options``, which accept as input a string that will then be propagated down to the ``topup`` or ``eddy`` command invocation respectively. For information on the command-line options available within these FSL commands, consult the internal help page of the command installed on your system, and/or the online FSL documentation: - ``topup``: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/topup/TopupUsersGuide - ``eddy``: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/eddy/UsersGuide .. note:: Due to a quirk in the Python library ``argparse`` that is utilised by *MRtrix3* for command-line parsing, in some instances, some contents of a string provided at the command-line encased in double-quotes may get lost during parsing. To mitigate this, we suggest that whatever text data are provided to ``topup`` or ``eddy`` via the ``-topup_options`` or ``-eddy_options`` command-line options contain an additional space at the beginning or end of the string, like thus:: dwifslpreproc ... -eddy_options " --repol" ... Using ``eddy``'s slice-to-volume motion correction capability ------------------------------------------------------------- As of September 2017, FSL's ``eddy`` tool has the capability of not only estimating and correcting motion *between* DWI volumes, but also motion *within* volumes. Details of this method can be found within the relevant `publication `__. *MRtrix3* is capable of supporting this underlying ``eddy`` functionality within the wrapping ``dwifslpreproc`` script. Below are a few relevant details to assist users in getting this working: - At time of writing, only the CUDA version of the ``eddy`` executable provides the slice-to-volume correction capability. Therefore, this version must be installed on your system, and CUDA itself must be appropriately set up. Note that with *MRtrix3* version ``3.0_RC3``, presence of the CUDA version of ``eddy`` will be automatically detected within your ``PATH`` by ``dwifslpreproc``, and this version will be executed in preference to the OpenMP version. - ``eddy``'s slice-to-volume correction is triggered by the presence of the ``--mporder=#`` command-line option. Therefore, to activate this behaviour, the contents of the ``-eddy_options`` command-line option passed to ``dwifslpreproc`` must contain this entry. - The timing of acquisition of each slice must be known in order to perform slice-to-volume correction. This is provided to ``eddy`` via the command-line `option `__ ``--slspec=``, where a text file is provided that defines the order in which the slices are acquired within each volume. In ``dwifslpreproc``, there are two ways in which this information can be provided: - If you include the string ``--slspec=path/to/file.txt`` within the contents of the ``-eddy_options`` command-line option, then ``dwifslpreproc`` will copy the file to which you have provided the path into the temporary directory created by the script, such that ``eddy`` appropriately locates that file. - If DICOM conversion & all subsequent processing is performed solely using *MRtrix3* commands, and :ref:`header_keyvalue_pairs` are preserved, then where possible, *MRtrix3* will store fields "``SliceEncodingDirection``" and "``SliceTiming``" based on DICOM information (note that the naming of these fields is consistent with the `BIDS specification `__). ``dwifslpreproc`` will then use these fields to *internally* generate the "``slspec``" file required by ``eddy`` without user intervention; as long as the user does *not* provide the ``--slspec=`` option within ``-eddy_options``.